Yatai “Yongjingtai Cup” International Basketball Invitational Tournament

Brand new talent concept

PROGRAMMEPlanning talents

Remuneration policy

The company adheres to the remuneration distribution principle of "prioritizing efficiency, taking into account fairness, and highlighting performance" and has developed a complete remuneration system based on industry remuneration levels in different regions. At the same time, phased optimization and adjustment will be carried out based on the development of the labor market and the actual situation of the company. According to the different development stages and ability levels of employees, a comprehensive grade system has been formulated, forming a short, medium and long-term incentive mechanism that combines basic salary + management position allowance or professional position allowance + performance bonus and other forms. Through the bonus distribution method that links company performance with department performance and individual performance, the connection between employee compensation and company benefits is strengthened, ensuring the unity of employee responsibilities, rights, and interests, stimulating employee enthusiasm, and maximizing value creation.

Training plan

Establish a talent training system with the purpose of cultivating the company's good corporate culture, building consensus, discovering and cultivating talents, and with the mission of enhancing the company's competitiveness, cultivating a team of qualified cadres, and providing human resources for the company's sustainable development, and gradually establish a Talent selection, training, appointment, assessment and incentive system for its own business form. Focusing on the different growth needs of practical talents, professional talents, and management talents, we will promote the creation of a talent team that can fight tough battles and continue to be promising by improving the orderly flow mechanism of employees and optimizing the company's overall talent structure.