Yatai “Yongjingtai Cup” International Basketball Invitational Tournament
Charity charity trip·Build a warm home together——Yatai Charity Foundation
August 24, 2024

On August 23, Yatai Charity Foundation launched the “Yatai Dream Comes True·Love Student Aid” donation activity. Value Shwekokko
As the new teaching buildings of the No. 1 and No. 2 schools are about to be completed, the Yatai Charitable Foundation is devoted to education and donated desks and chairs worth 300,000 baht, 19 sets of sports equipment, 4 solar street lights and other teaching facilities to the students in Shuigou Valley. , further optimized the teaching environment and helped revitalize Shwekokko education. “Small desks” carry “big dreams”, and every kindness of Yatai people inspires teachers’ enthusiasm for education and encourages students to work hard. Charity makes this city warmer; gratitude makes this city stronger! We look forward to your participation in more charitable activities. Next issue of charity: Caring for the elderly living alone and spreading love and warmth Official contact information of

Yatai Charity Foundation

Telegram: @ytcs66